Grafton Master Plan
Help Determine Grafton's Future
The Town of Grafton is updating its Master Plan! This plan will lay out a vision for Grafton's future over the next ten years and provide a roadmap for achieving our community goals.
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What is a Master Plan?
A Master Plan is a comprehensive community plan that explores important topics such as land use, natural resources, economic development, housing, transportation, and other themes.
Through the planning process, a town assesses its challenges and opportunities, and collects input from the community. Once written, a Master Plan lays out a vision and strategies for the community to achieve its goals.
Master plans require periodic updates. Issues, challenges, and residents preferences can change a lot in 10-20 years, which is the typical horizon of a master plan. Grafton's current Master Plan was written in 2001.
How does a Master Plan
help Grafton?
A Master Plan helps a community
Manage growth and change
Provide for orderly and predictable development
Protect environmental resources
Set priorities for developing and maintaining infrastructure and public facilities
Strengthen local identity
Create a framework for future policy decisions
Promote open, democratic planning
Provide guidance to landowners, developers, and permitting authorities